Log: /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/logs/demand-backup.log E0610 01:51:46.909642 30269 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:47.133542 30269 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:47.244769 30269 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:47.351441 30269 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request WARNING: version difference between client (1.30) and server (1.26) exceeds the supported minor version skew of +/-1 WARNING: version difference between client (1.30) and server (1.26) exceeds the supported minor version skew of +/-1 WARNING: version difference between client (1.30) and server (1.26) exceeds the supported minor version skew of +/-1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- get and delete old CRDs and RBAC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E0610 01:51:52.620810 30957 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:52.827684 30957 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:54.512671 31151 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:54.767406 31151 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:54.873633 31151 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:54.979781 31151 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:55.302558 31151 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:55.514590 31151 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:55.623943 31151 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:55.730267 31151 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:55.836524 31151 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbbackups" + kubectl patch perconaservermongodbbackups.psmdb.percona.com -n sh --type=merge -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' E0610 01:51:56.962001 31314 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:57.275170 31314 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:57.382319 31314 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:57.491723 31314 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:57.935288 31314 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:58.046097 31314 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:58.155984 31314 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:58.263217 31314 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:58.370367 31314 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbbackups" E0610 01:51:59.559824 31635 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:59.782792 31635 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:59.890050 31635 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:51:59.997311 31635 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:01.550905 31751 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:01.658795 31751 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:01.767143 31751 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:01.875979 31751 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:02.205584 31751 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:02.422544 31751 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:02.533580 31751 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:02.641863 31751 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:02.750458 31751 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbrestores" + kubectl patch perconaservermongodbrestores.psmdb.percona.com -n sh --type=merge -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' E0610 01:52:04.436090 32205 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:04.546697 32205 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:04.653893 32205 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:04.760955 32205 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:05.096802 32205 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:05.308421 32205 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:05.426421 32205 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:05.533585 32205 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:05.640610 32205 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbrestores" E0610 01:52:07.073877 32633 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:07.442674 32633 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:07.598270 32633 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:07.705744 32633 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:09.540689 475 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:09.760613 475 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:09.867378 475 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:09.974053 475 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:10.306754 475 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:10.517335 475 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:10.628425 475 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:10.735540 475 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:10.845455 475 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbs" + kubectl patch perconaservermongodbs.psmdb.percona.com -n sh --type=merge -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' E0610 01:52:12.346718 846 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:12.566853 846 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:12.673139 846 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:12.779766 846 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:13.105919 846 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:13.224736 846 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:13.334845 846 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:13.441472 846 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:13.548102 846 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbs" E0610 01:52:14.986096 1163 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:15.113941 1163 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:15.222127 1163 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:15.329739 1163 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:16.965781 1424 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:17.283960 1424 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:19.674153 1710 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:19.785211 1710 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:19.895374 1710 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request Error from server (NotFound): customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "null" not found E0610 01:52:21.243449 1991 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:21.465933 1991 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:21.572041 1991 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request Error from server (NotFound): customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "null" not found E0610 01:52:27.402037 2556 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:27.509081 2556 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:27.615153 2556 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request Error from server (NotFound): customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "null" not found E0610 01:52:27.402037 2556 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:27.509081 2556 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request E0610 01:52:27.615153 2556 memcache.go:121] couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request Error from server (NotFound): customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "null" not found ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- destroy chaos-mesh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cleaned up all old namespaces ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cleaned up old namespaces psmdb-operator ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create namespace psmdb-operator ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace/psmdb-operator created Context "gke_cloud-dev-112233_us-central1-a_jen-psmdb-1568-77a673e0-1-cluster7" modified. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- start PSMDB operator ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/perconaservermongodbbackups.psmdb.percona.com serverside-applied customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/perconaservermongodbrestores.psmdb.percona.com serverside-applied customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/perconaservermongodbs.psmdb.percona.com serverside-applied clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/percona-server-mongodb-operator created serviceaccount/percona-server-mongodb-operator created clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/service-account-percona-server-mongodb-operator created deployment.apps/percona-server-mongodb-operator created waiting for pod/percona-server-mongodb-operator-7854db4b69-8hcmg to be ready.OK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- destroy chaos-mesh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cleaned up all old namespaces ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cleaned up old namespaces demand-backup-20054 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- error: resource(s) were provided, but no name was specified ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create namespace demand-backup-20054 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace/demand-backup-20054 created Context "gke_cloud-dev-112233_us-central1-a_jen-psmdb-1568-77a673e0-1-cluster7" modified. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- install Minio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error: uninstall: Release not loaded: minio-service: release: not found Error: no repo named "minio" found "minio" has been added to your repositories NAME: minio-service LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jun 10 01:53:42 2024 NAMESPACE: demand-backup-20054 STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: MinIO can be accessed via port 9000 on the following DNS name from within your cluster: minio-service.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local To access MinIO from localhost, run the below commands: 1. export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace demand-backup-20054 -l "release=minio-service" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}") 2. kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 9000 --namespace demand-backup-20054 Read more about port forwarding here: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/kubectl/kubectl_port-forward/ You can now access MinIO server on http://localhost:9000. Follow the below steps to connect to MinIO server with mc client: 1. Download the MinIO mc client - https://min.io/docs/minio/linux/reference/minio-mc.html#quickstart 2. export MC_HOST_minio-service-local=http://$(kubectl get secret --namespace demand-backup-20054 minio-service -o jsonpath="{.data.rootUser}" | base64 --decode):$(kubectl get secret --namespace demand-backup-20054 minio-service -o jsonpath="{.data.rootPassword}" | base64 --decode)@localhost:9000 3. mc ls minio-service-local waiting for pod/minio-service-57dd49b-4m2mc to be ready.OK service/minio-service created pod "aws-cli" deleted If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create secrets and start client ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- secret/some-users created deployment.apps/psmdb-client created ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create secrets for cloud storages ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- secret/minio-secret created secret/aws-s3-secret created secret/gcp-cs-secret created secret/azure-secret created ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create first PSMDB cluster some-name-rs0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodb.psmdb.percona.com/some-name created ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check if all 3 Pods started ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- waiting for pod/some-name-rs0-0 to be ready...............OK waiting for pod/some-name-rs0-1 to be ready.................OK waiting for pod/some-name-rs0-2 to be ready..............OK Waiting for cluster readyness ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check if service and statefulset created with expected config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create user ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percona Server for MongoDB shell version v4.4.29-28 connecting to: mongodb://some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017/admin?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb&replicaSet=rs0&ssl=false Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("022bdd74-8e40-46fd-a136-79cd68ded23b") } Percona Server for MongoDB server version: v7.0.11-6 WARNING: shell and server versions do not match Successfully added user: { "user" : "myApp", "roles" : [ { "db" : "myApp", "role" : "readWrite" } ] } bye ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- write data, read from all ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percona Server for MongoDB shell version v4.4.29-28 connecting to: mongodb://some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017/admin?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb&replicaSet=rs0&ssl=false Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("474e82d9-5527-4eea-bfac-865acd74c86b") } Percona Server for MongoDB server version: v7.0.11-6 WARNING: shell and server versions do not match switched to db myApp WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }) bye some-name-rs0-0 some-name-rs0-1 some-name-rs0-2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run backups ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run backup backup-aws-s3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com/backup-aws-s3 created ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run backup backup-gcp-cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com/backup-gcp-cs created ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run backup backup-azure-blob ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com/backup-azure-blob created ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run backup backup-minio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com/backup-minio created backup-aws-s3............ backup-gcp-cs................. backup-azure-blob............... backup-minio................ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check backup and restore -- aws-s3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percona Server for MongoDB shell version v4.4.29-28 connecting to: mongodb://some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017/admin?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb&replicaSet=rs0&ssl=false Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("71386db3-2925-4463-8ff6-bcb5e2c59bab") } Percona Server for MongoDB server version: v7.0.11-6 WARNING: shell and server versions do not match switched to db myApp WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }) bye perconaservermongodbrestore.psmdb.percona.com/restore-backup-aws-s3 created waiting psmdb-restore/backup-aws-s3 to reach ready state............ + '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' + wait_cluster_consistency some-name + local cluster_name=some-name + local wait_time=32 + retry=0 + sleep 7 + echo -n 'waiting for cluster readyness' waiting for cluster readyness++ kubectl_bin get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.nFcdmxKGBX +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.xeGlcvOZjt ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.nFcdmxKGBX ++ cat /tmp/tmp.xeGlcvOZjt ++ rm /tmp/tmp.nFcdmxKGBX /tmp/tmp.xeGlcvOZjt ++ return 0 + [[ ready == \r\e\a\d\y ]] + simple_data_check some-name-rs0 3 0 + local cluster_name=some-name-rs0 + let last_pod=3-1 + local isSharded=0 + local cluster_pfx= + '[' 0 -eq 1 ']' ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.zobzpkUqur +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.NwFf6OcFMu ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.zobzpkUqur ++ cat /tmp/tmp.NwFf6OcFMu ++ rm /tmp/tmp.zobzpkUqur /tmp/tmp.NwFf6OcFMu ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.Vo50cwwapo ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.OI5eKCR4gT + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.Vo50cwwapo + cat /tmp/tmp.OI5eKCR4gT + rm /tmp/tmp.Vo50cwwapo /tmp/tmp.OI5eKCR4gT + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.BOc2L1nlse + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.ZBv2mt99Jt ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.BOc2L1nlse ++ cat /tmp/tmp.ZBv2mt99Jt ++ rm /tmp/tmp.BOc2L1nlse /tmp/tmp.ZBv2mt99Jt ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.4iREN4L3qk ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.za8brzILN8 + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.4iREN4L3qk + cat /tmp/tmp.za8brzILN8 + rm /tmp/tmp.4iREN4L3qk /tmp/tmp.za8brzILN8 + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.HO9mLY69ys +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.6VIUiTDW3B ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.HO9mLY69ys ++ cat /tmp/tmp.6VIUiTDW3B ++ rm /tmp/tmp.HO9mLY69ys /tmp/tmp.6VIUiTDW3B ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.yIFmPJwbHt ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.yMsgALrt6i + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.yIFmPJwbHt + cat /tmp/tmp.yMsgALrt6i + rm /tmp/tmp.yIFmPJwbHt /tmp/tmp.yMsgALrt6i + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + desc 'check backup and restore -- gcp-cs' + set +o xtrace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check backup and restore -- gcp-cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percona Server for MongoDB shell version v4.4.29-28 connecting to: mongodb://some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017/admin?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb&replicaSet=rs0&ssl=false Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("faa0d7e5-2fa8-43be-89eb-b38a1ba68cf6") } Percona Server for MongoDB server version: v7.0.11-6 WARNING: shell and server versions do not match switched to db myApp WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }) bye perconaservermongodbrestore.psmdb.percona.com/restore-backup-gcp-cs created waiting psmdb-restore/backup-gcp-cs to reach ready state........... + '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' + wait_cluster_consistency some-name + local cluster_name=some-name + local wait_time=32 + retry=0 + sleep 7 + echo -n 'waiting for cluster readyness' waiting for cluster readyness++ kubectl_bin get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.HBNGGOoWDF +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.S90Vu9GNyu ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.HBNGGOoWDF ++ cat /tmp/tmp.S90Vu9GNyu ++ rm /tmp/tmp.HBNGGOoWDF /tmp/tmp.S90Vu9GNyu ++ return 0 + [[ ready == \r\e\a\d\y ]] + simple_data_check some-name-rs0 3 0 + local cluster_name=some-name-rs0 + let last_pod=3-1 + local isSharded=0 + local cluster_pfx= + '[' 0 -eq 1 ']' ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.CCz90TsIVD +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.mbY0n58mT8 ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.CCz90TsIVD ++ cat /tmp/tmp.mbY0n58mT8 ++ rm /tmp/tmp.CCz90TsIVD /tmp/tmp.mbY0n58mT8 ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.7TQ3QtsCDz ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.d11TSN1ZyL + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.7TQ3QtsCDz + cat /tmp/tmp.d11TSN1ZyL + rm /tmp/tmp.7TQ3QtsCDz /tmp/tmp.d11TSN1ZyL + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.BLVGWrIwyI +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.JxrKF9j4Eu ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.BLVGWrIwyI ++ cat /tmp/tmp.JxrKF9j4Eu ++ rm /tmp/tmp.BLVGWrIwyI /tmp/tmp.JxrKF9j4Eu ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.G9hqWDhOtE ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.9X0vdhcF9l + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.G9hqWDhOtE + cat /tmp/tmp.9X0vdhcF9l + rm /tmp/tmp.G9hqWDhOtE /tmp/tmp.9X0vdhcF9l + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.QHJrXNFari +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.lqqXCVHKn5 ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.QHJrXNFari ++ cat /tmp/tmp.lqqXCVHKn5 ++ rm /tmp/tmp.QHJrXNFari /tmp/tmp.lqqXCVHKn5 ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.4wc8XiLwuo ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.Rf09PRz6Mx + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.4wc8XiLwuo + cat /tmp/tmp.Rf09PRz6Mx + rm /tmp/tmp.4wc8XiLwuo /tmp/tmp.Rf09PRz6Mx + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + desc 'check backup and restore -- azure-blob' + set +o xtrace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check backup and restore -- azure-blob ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percona Server for MongoDB shell version v4.4.29-28 connecting to: mongodb://some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017/admin?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb&replicaSet=rs0&ssl=false Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("f95f8ead-d1b0-4e95-8459-14530493edd7") } Percona Server for MongoDB server version: v7.0.11-6 WARNING: shell and server versions do not match switched to db myApp WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }) bye perconaservermongodbrestore.psmdb.percona.com/restore-backup-azure-blob created waiting psmdb-restore/backup-azure-blob to reach ready state............ + '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' + wait_cluster_consistency some-name + local cluster_name=some-name + local wait_time=32 + retry=0 + sleep 7 + echo -n 'waiting for cluster readyness' waiting for cluster readyness++ kubectl_bin get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.elihATa19m +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.ObWfurbDlk ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.elihATa19m ++ cat /tmp/tmp.ObWfurbDlk ++ rm /tmp/tmp.elihATa19m /tmp/tmp.ObWfurbDlk ++ return 0 + [[ ready == \r\e\a\d\y ]] + simple_data_check some-name-rs0 3 0 + local cluster_name=some-name-rs0 + let last_pod=3-1 + local isSharded=0 + local cluster_pfx= + '[' 0 -eq 1 ']' ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.dkrwyKZLwU +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.nzopCQdvZf ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.dkrwyKZLwU ++ cat /tmp/tmp.nzopCQdvZf ++ rm /tmp/tmp.dkrwyKZLwU /tmp/tmp.nzopCQdvZf ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.qUG2OV9Mna ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.6MEkK99Ks3 + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.qUG2OV9Mna + cat /tmp/tmp.6MEkK99Ks3 + rm /tmp/tmp.qUG2OV9Mna /tmp/tmp.6MEkK99Ks3 + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.PjzJGd5bc7 +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.36QdcjLJ5y ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.PjzJGd5bc7 ++ cat /tmp/tmp.36QdcjLJ5y ++ rm /tmp/tmp.PjzJGd5bc7 /tmp/tmp.36QdcjLJ5y ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.kVHv2hWcIP ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.lEHELJ2UHs + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.kVHv2hWcIP + cat /tmp/tmp.lEHELJ2UHs + rm /tmp/tmp.kVHv2hWcIP /tmp/tmp.lEHELJ2UHs + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.fjR5bmadMP +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.SD6W2cP9tk ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.fjR5bmadMP ++ cat /tmp/tmp.SD6W2cP9tk ++ rm /tmp/tmp.fjR5bmadMP /tmp/tmp.SD6W2cP9tk ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.uhsXv25ZlZ ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.OrJkiafIde + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.uhsXv25ZlZ + cat /tmp/tmp.OrJkiafIde + rm /tmp/tmp.uhsXv25ZlZ /tmp/tmp.OrJkiafIde + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + desc 'check backup and restore -- minio' + set +o xtrace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check backup and restore -- minio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024-06-10 01:59:01 55 myApp.test.gz Percona Server for MongoDB shell version v4.4.29-28 connecting to: mongodb://some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017/admin?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb&replicaSet=rs0&ssl=false Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("16c2d8a1-2cb9-4800-96a2-3182afe11ace") } Percona Server for MongoDB server version: v7.0.11-6 WARNING: shell and server versions do not match switched to db myApp WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }) bye perconaservermongodbrestore.psmdb.percona.com/restore-backup-minio created waiting psmdb-restore/backup-minio to reach ready state........... + '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' + wait_cluster_consistency some-name + local cluster_name=some-name + local wait_time=32 + retry=0 + sleep 7 + echo -n 'waiting for cluster readyness' waiting for cluster readyness++ kubectl_bin get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.ETfaqA4Btu +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.KmdYOUMuYS ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.ETfaqA4Btu ++ cat /tmp/tmp.KmdYOUMuYS ++ rm /tmp/tmp.ETfaqA4Btu /tmp/tmp.KmdYOUMuYS ++ return 0 + [[ ready == \r\e\a\d\y ]] + simple_data_check some-name-rs0 3 0 + local cluster_name=some-name-rs0 + let last_pod=3-1 + local isSharded=0 + local cluster_pfx= + '[' 0 -eq 1 ']' ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.9hkalX56EO +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.XBHDTg49F9 ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.9hkalX56EO ++ cat /tmp/tmp.XBHDTg49F9 ++ rm /tmp/tmp.9hkalX56EO /tmp/tmp.XBHDTg49F9 ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.djbRRFocJC ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.zKp7ukgeOY + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.djbRRFocJC + cat /tmp/tmp.zKp7ukgeOY + rm /tmp/tmp.djbRRFocJC /tmp/tmp.zKp7ukgeOY + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.6NoVXsvHU9 +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.yoguEwUv6n ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.6NoVXsvHU9 ++ cat /tmp/tmp.yoguEwUv6n ++ rm /tmp/tmp.6NoVXsvHU9 /tmp/tmp.yoguEwUv6n ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.HdYW5juLgP ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.VSWOqM5w07 + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.HdYW5juLgP + cat /tmp/tmp.VSWOqM5w07 + rm /tmp/tmp.HdYW5juLgP /tmp/tmp.VSWOqM5w07 + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.pe8JvyMpXI +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.eaZNtPBuQz ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.pe8JvyMpXI ++ cat /tmp/tmp.eaZNtPBuQz ++ rm /tmp/tmp.pe8JvyMpXI /tmp/tmp.eaZNtPBuQz ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.iaqrkHiESs ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.744DQ63IEx + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.iaqrkHiESs + cat /tmp/tmp.744DQ63IEx + rm /tmp/tmp.iaqrkHiESs /tmp/tmp.744DQ63IEx + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + desc 'restore from backup source, with storageName -- minio' + set +o xtrace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- restore from backup source, with storageName -- minio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percona Server for MongoDB shell version v4.4.29-28 connecting to: mongodb://some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017/admin?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb&replicaSet=rs0&ssl=false Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("fac936d4-8065-46bc-9230-4ab98b4fefe2") } Percona Server for MongoDB server version: v7.0.11-6 WARNING: shell and server versions do not match switched to db myApp WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }) bye ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run restore restore-backup-minio-source-0 from backup backup-minio-source-0 destination is operator-testing/2024-06-10T01:58:56Z ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbrestore.psmdb.percona.com/restore-backup-minio-source-0 created waiting psmdb-restore/backup-minio-source-0 to reach ready state........... + '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' + wait_cluster_consistency some-name + local cluster_name=some-name + local wait_time=32 + retry=0 + sleep 7 + echo -n 'waiting for cluster readyness' waiting for cluster readyness++ kubectl_bin get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.bWoS7p2mkh +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.qoYwIoQ9XP ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.bWoS7p2mkh ++ cat /tmp/tmp.qoYwIoQ9XP ++ rm /tmp/tmp.bWoS7p2mkh /tmp/tmp.qoYwIoQ9XP ++ return 0 + [[ ready == \r\e\a\d\y ]] + simple_data_check some-name-rs0 3 0 + local cluster_name=some-name-rs0 + let last_pod=3-1 + local isSharded=0 + local cluster_pfx= + '[' 0 -eq 1 ']' ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.Uh2Zah9JSE +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.4NglwyPiR8 ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.Uh2Zah9JSE ++ cat /tmp/tmp.4NglwyPiR8 ++ rm /tmp/tmp.Uh2Zah9JSE /tmp/tmp.4NglwyPiR8 ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.ISRapTU66l ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.Mo61Zy4tJL + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.ISRapTU66l + cat /tmp/tmp.Mo61Zy4tJL + rm /tmp/tmp.ISRapTU66l /tmp/tmp.Mo61Zy4tJL + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.MapF5otfWS +++ mktemp + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.fKUW6a5ZN1 ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.MapF5otfWS ++ cat /tmp/tmp.fKUW6a5ZN1 ++ rm /tmp/tmp.MapF5otfWS /tmp/tmp.fKUW6a5ZN1 ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.wFVmkuALKL ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.PSzH20Busb + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.wFVmkuALKL + cat /tmp/tmp.PSzH20Busb + rm /tmp/tmp.wFVmkuALKL /tmp/tmp.PSzH20Busb + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.LvkSNXca8q +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.28DMniXbyU ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.LvkSNXca8q ++ cat /tmp/tmp.28DMniXbyU ++ rm /tmp/tmp.LvkSNXca8q /tmp/tmp.28DMniXbyU ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.obwmo41Kco ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.m0tj0Bj2ln + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.obwmo41Kco + cat /tmp/tmp.m0tj0Bj2ln + rm /tmp/tmp.obwmo41Kco /tmp/tmp.m0tj0Bj2ln + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + desc 'restore from backup source, no storageName -- minio' + set +o xtrace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- restore from backup source, no storageName -- minio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percona Server for MongoDB shell version v4.4.29-28 connecting to: mongodb://some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017,some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local:27017/admin?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb&replicaSet=rs0&ssl=false Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("f952f6c3-79f3-4a83-a0bc-c64a265bcc17") } Percona Server for MongoDB server version: v7.0.11-6 WARNING: shell and server versions do not match switched to db myApp WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }) bye ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run restore restore-backup-minio-source-1 from backup backup-minio-source-1 destination is operator-testing/2024-06-10T01:58:56Z ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbrestore.psmdb.percona.com/restore-backup-minio-source-1 created waiting psmdb-restore/backup-minio-source-1 to reach ready state.......... + '[' 1 -eq 1 ']' + wait_cluster_consistency some-name + local cluster_name=some-name + local wait_time=32 + retry=0 + sleep 7 + echo -n 'waiting for cluster readyness' waiting for cluster readyness++ kubectl_bin get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.fGeuhDChle +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.4piB89HWwK ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get psmdb some-name -o 'jsonpath={.status.state}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.fGeuhDChle ++ cat /tmp/tmp.4piB89HWwK ++ rm /tmp/tmp.fGeuhDChle /tmp/tmp.4piB89HWwK ++ return 0 + [[ ready == \r\e\a\d\y ]] + simple_data_check some-name-rs0 3 0 + local cluster_name=some-name-rs0 + let last_pod=3-1 + local isSharded=0 + local cluster_pfx= + '[' 0 -eq 1 ']' ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.LqDONKuhk8 +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.JiOVkgrpk6 ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.LqDONKuhk8 ++ cat /tmp/tmp.JiOVkgrpk6 ++ rm /tmp/tmp.LqDONKuhk8 /tmp/tmp.JiOVkgrpk6 ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.tgywMREkMU ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.rEuAcc157C + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-0.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.tgywMREkMU + cat /tmp/tmp.rEuAcc157C + rm /tmp/tmp.tgywMREkMU /tmp/tmp.rEuAcc157C + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.cJQs9RPZJU + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.gaheU2Nf6H ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.cJQs9RPZJU ++ cat /tmp/tmp.gaheU2Nf6H ++ rm /tmp/tmp.cJQs9RPZJU /tmp/tmp.gaheU2Nf6H ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.iAC5VTaZBu ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.ipbC1petWS + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-1.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.iAC5VTaZBu + cat /tmp/tmp.ipbC1petWS + rm /tmp/tmp.iAC5VTaZBu /tmp/tmp.ipbC1petWS + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + for i in '$(seq 0 $last_pod)' + compare_mongo_cmd find myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local command=find + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local postfix= + local suffix= + local database=myApp + local collection=test + egrep -v 'I NETWORK|W NETWORK|F NETWORK|Error saving history file|Percona Server for MongoDB|connecting to:|Unable to reach primary for set|Implicit session:|versions do not match|Error saving history file:' + run_mongo 'use myApp\n db.test.find()' myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 mongodb '' + local 'command=use myApp\n db.test.find()' + local uri=myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 + local driver=mongodb + local suffix=.svc.cluster.local ++ kubectl_bin get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.9Q8DqQNUx1 + /usr/bin/sed -re 's/ObjectId\("[0-9a-f]+"\)//; s/-[0-9]+.svc/-xxx.svc/' +++ mktemp ++ local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.WPlfMdt2Wy ++ local exit_status=0 ++ local timeout=4 +++ seq 0 2 ++ for i in '$(seq 0 2)' ++ set +e ++ kubectl get pods --selector=name=psmdb-client -o 'jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}' ++ exit_status=0 ++ set -e ++ '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' ++ break ++ cat /tmp/tmp.9Q8DqQNUx1 ++ cat /tmp/tmp.WPlfMdt2Wy ++ rm /tmp/tmp.9Q8DqQNUx1 /tmp/tmp.WPlfMdt2Wy ++ return 0 + local client_container=psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 + local mongo_flag= + [[ myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054 == *cfg* ]] + replica_set=rs0 + kubectl_bin exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' ++ mktemp + local LAST_OUT=/tmp/tmp.1pQjNQ0rWg ++ mktemp + local LAST_ERR=/tmp/tmp.yM8SWxZCwD + local exit_status=0 + local timeout=4 ++ seq 0 2 + for i in '$(seq 0 2)' + set +e + kubectl exec psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 -- bash -c 'printf '\''use myApp\n db.test.find()\n'\'' | mongo mongodb://myApp:myPass@some-name-rs0-2.some-name-rs0.demand-backup-20054.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false\&replicaSet=rs0 ' + exit_status=0 + set -e + '[' 0 '!=' 0 -a -n 0 ']' + break + cat /tmp/tmp.1pQjNQ0rWg + cat /tmp/tmp.yM8SWxZCwD + rm /tmp/tmp.1pQjNQ0rWg /tmp/tmp.yM8SWxZCwD + return 0 + diff /mnt/jenkins/workspace/cloud-psmdb-operator_PR-1568/e2e-tests/demand-backup/compare/find.json /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/find + desc 'delete backup and check if it is removed from bucket -- minio' + set +o xtrace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete backup and check if it is removed from bucket -- minio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com "backup-aws-s3" deleted perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com "backup-azure-blob" deleted perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com "backup-gcp-cs" deleted perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com "backup-minio" deleted ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- checking backup deletion without cr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run backup backup-minio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com/backup-minio created ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run backup backup-aws-s3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com/backup-aws-s3 created ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run backup backup-gcp-cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com/backup-gcp-cs created ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run backup backup-azure-blob ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com/backup-azure-blob created backup-minio............ backup-aws-s3................. backup-gcp-cs............................. backup-azure-blob. perconaservermongodb.psmdb.percona.com "some-name" deleted ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete backup and check if it is removed from bucket -- minio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com "backup-aws-s3" deleted perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com "backup-azure-blob" deleted perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com "backup-gcp-cs" deleted perconaservermongodbbackup.psmdb.percona.com "backup-minio" deleted If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter. warning: couldn't attach to pod/aws-cli, falling back to streaming logs: unable to upgrade connection: container aws-cli not found in pod aws-cli_demand-backup-20054 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check for passwords leak ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- secrets=YmFja3VwMTIzNDU2 Y2x1c3RlckFkbWluMTIzNDU2 Y2x1c3Rlck1vbml0b3IxMjM0NTY= ZGF0YWJhc2VBZG1pbjEyMzQ1Ng== dXNlckFkbWluMTIzNDU2 YmFja3VwMTIzNDU2 Y2x1c3RlckFkbWluMTIzNDU2 Y2x1c3Rlck1vbml0b3IxMjM0NTY= ZGF0YWJhc2VBZG1pbjEyMzQ1Ng== dXNlckFkbWluMTIzNDU2 passwords=backup123456 clusterAdmin123456 clusterMonitor123456 databaseAdmin123456 userAdmin123456 backup123456 clusterAdmin123456 clusterMonitor123456 databaseAdmin123456 userAdmin123456 YmFja3VwMTIzNDU2 Y2x1c3RlckFkbWluMTIzNDU2 Y2x1c3Rlck1vbml0b3IxMjM0NTY= ZGF0YWJhc2VBZG1pbjEyMzQ1Ng== dXNlckFkbWluMTIzNDU2 YmFja3VwMTIzNDU2 Y2x1c3RlckFkbWluMTIzNDU2 Y2x1c3Rlck1vbml0b3IxMjM0NTY= ZGF0YWJhc2VBZG1pbjEyMzQ1Ng== dXNlckFkbWluMTIzNDU2 pods=minio-service-57dd49b-4m2mc psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44 logs saved in: /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/logs_output-minio-service-57dd49b-4m2mc-minio.txt logs saved in: /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/logs_output-psmdb-client-7469665986-p9w44-psmdb-client.txt logs saved in: /tmp/tmp.kRVwqrnhG6/logs_output-percona-server-mongodb-operator-7854db4b69-8hcmg-percona-server-mongodb-operator.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- destroy cluster/operator and all other resources ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- get and delete old CRDs and RBAC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "perconaservermongodbbackups.psmdb.percona.com" deleted customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "perconaservermongodbrestores.psmdb.percona.com" deleted customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "perconaservermongodbs.psmdb.percona.com" deleted error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbbackups" + kubectl patch perconaservermongodbbackups.psmdb.percona.com -n sh --type=merge -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' E0610 02:08:32.943315 28597 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for psmdb.percona.com/v1-12-0: the server could not find the requested resource E0610 02:08:32.944812 28597 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for psmdb.percona.com/v1-11-0: the server could not find the requested resource E0610 02:08:32.945224 28597 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for psmdb.percona.com/v1-10-0: the server could not find the requested resource E0610 02:08:32.945550 28597 memcache.go:287] couldn't get resource list for psmdb.percona.com/v1: the server could not find the requested resource error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbbackups" error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbrestores" + kubectl patch perconaservermongodbrestores.psmdb.percona.com -n sh --type=merge -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbrestores" error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbs" + kubectl patch perconaservermongodbs.psmdb.percona.com -n sh --type=merge -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' error: the server doesn't have a resource type "perconaservermongodbs" clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "percona-server-mongodb-operator" deleted clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "service-account-percona-server-mongodb-operator" deleted ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test passed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace "psmdb-operator" force deleted Warning: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely.